'We have MERCH! https://www.sillyschoolsongs.store/ and more to come! Learn all kinds of fun facts about Jupiter with this fun and funky planet song for kids! For more information and music, visit http://sillyschoolsongs.education Lyrics: Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun In our solar system Jupiter is the biggest one Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun In our solar system Jupiter is the biggest one Now Jupiter was named after an ancient Roman god When they saw that big fat planet in the sky I\'m sure they thought it was odd, huh! Hey man, you\'re messing up our song! I apologize, huh! Now let\'s get back to our regularly scheduled song Jupiter, the very first gas giant Jupiter, it\'s also a stormy planet Jupiter, it has a Great Red Spot Jupiter, storms happen there a lot It\'s 86,881 miles in diameter And -284 degrees is its temperature!!! It\'s 484 million miles away from the Sun Jupiter, its size can\'t be outdone! Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun In our solar system Jupiter is the biggest one Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun In our solar system Jupiter is the biggest one Jupiter, it\'s called the king of the planets Jupiter, all the other planets could fit inside of it! Jupiter, its days are 10 hours long Jupiter, over 60 moons call it their home It has dark red bands called belts, and lighter bands called zones Jupiter and all of its moons could make a solar system all their own It takes 4,333 days to go around the Sun And its atmosphere is made of hydrogen and helium Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun In our solar system Jupiter is the biggest one Jupiter, fifth planet from the Sun In our solar system Jupiter is the biggest one Jupiter, it has a lot of mass Jupiter, it\'s a big fat ball of gas Jupiter, it has a lot of mass Jupiter, it\'s a big fat ball of gas Copyright 2016 Silly School Songs. All Rights Reserved. Photo credits: http://www.nasa.gov/ http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/jupiter/basic http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/tonynetone/2468480803 https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap030403.html https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Sailko http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/io-tides/en/ http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/juno/jupiter/ #jupiter #planets #solarsystem #sillyschoolsongs'
Tags: JUPITER , planet songs for children , jupiter song , jupiter for kids , planet Jupiter for kids , planet jupiter , planet jupiter song , jupiter facts for kids , Jupiter facts , jupiter song for kids , planet jupiter song for kids , jupiter song for children , planet jupiter song for childrn , jupiter facts for children , fun facts about jupiter
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